Midyear 2023 Retrospective
Table of Contents

Photo by Mick Haupt.
I didn’t really do anything this past six months.
It was kinda. Disappointing.
I never really had the energy to do anything I want. I somehow only lazed around during the weekends, and I never got any motivation to do anything I want.
So. Let me write up a new blog post detailing my experience this past few months.
So I kinda did shit academically
It feels like everyone lost a bit of motivation, including my professors.
Not everyone really wants to teach their subject, aside from my Biochemistry professor. I just don’t get the excitement I felt when it was during the pandemic. The long commute times and the long hours I have to stay at school didn’t help much either.
I don’t really have much to say. The way I got really demotivated these past months have been perplexing to me. It’s like I don’t really vibe with my classmates well, and the culture of not actually pushing your limits was really shocking to me somehow.
I was always at the burnout.
I didn’t really achieved my goals I outlined back then
Let’s list the goals I had for the first half of this year:
- Work out more!
- Find friends outside the university
- Income generation
- Try learning Korean
- Learn how to draw
I only achieved one of five goals.
I have never felt this detached
I don’t feel this much connected to any of my peers. I am basically too apathetic to care about what they talk about.
We can’t really connect to each other anyway.
So I just grew more distant and I never really tried to interact with them.
I’ll just cut my losses.
Anyways, I’m obsessed with a new K-pop group
I really like ZeroBaseOne.
You should check them out.
I’m going to be completely normal about this and just stop.
Meta stuff
I’m using Discord more
Yeah. I’m hopelessly addicted to Discord.
Does that count as human interactions? I find it more fun to talk to these people more than my IRL peers anyway.
I am also interacting with my Twitter mutuals on K-pop stantwt more.
So. That’s a plus, right?
Filipino webrings
I recently joined this webring.
It’s neat.
If you are a Filipino and you have a website, you should join our webring.
See you!
Goals for the second half of 2023
I’m just going to try going small this second half.
- Prepare for my studies.
- Be diligent enough for thesis.
That’s it. I hope I could pull it off.
It’s my last year in college.
Let’s see what happens.